The Dolomiti Sky Run reconfirms its international spirit and the 4 UTMB® points attributed by the ITRA


Dolomiti Sky Run is proud to be once again one of the qualifying races for the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® with maximum score (4 points). The organization team of the Dolomites Sky Run make a first review of the registrations collected till now, there are already more than 200 partecipants from around the world and is still ongoing the special promotion with the reduced participation fee until 31th March.

The second edition of the race, from 3rd to 5th July 2015, will speak different languages, and not only european; infact there are several foreign athletes who has already  enrolled the competition. Italians are obviously the majority, who is familiar with the beautiful landscape of Dolomiti and loves ultra trail races has immediatly taken the oppportunity to enroll before 31th March to benefit from the special fee cost (90 euros for single and 160 for medley relay). Runners from all over the world has confirmed their partecipation and they will come from 9 different nations as: France, Germany, United Kingdom but also North Europe with atlethes from Norway. There are many runners from East Europe: Slovenia, Czech Republic and Poland where the first 3 registrated runners come from, they were the first ever to enroll on 1st January when the online registration were opened. The runners who will come from father countries will leave the Land of the Rising Sun, China and Japan, to land in Italy.

«This information give us a quite big satisfaction – told Fabio De Mas from the staff team – even if it’s only the second edition, the race is already known also in Far East. We are glad to notice that these runners are not scared by a long travel and the really want to partecipate this competition, it is a sign that the Dolomiti Sky Run is really becoming the most beautiful ultra trail in the world and that this sport is catching on also in countries where it’s not so widespread. A lot of people is searching for extreme race like ours with difficult track in order to challenge themselves but also to get in touch with lots of runners from other nations».

The amazing three days race on the beautiful Dolomiti mountain skyline and the challenge on 130 kilometers with 10.330 meters of positive gradient, these are the reasons why many athletes come from abroad to discover the beauty of Alta via numero 1 and taste the power of Dolomiti Sky Run which push everyone to face their own limits but also to connect with the entire world.

The online registration are opened until 15th May 2015.


Info about the race

Second edition of Dolomiti Sky Run, the new and the most beatiful trail according to a lot of peol.

 A 130 km track along the legendary Alta Via number 1, Unesco World Heritage Site, the challenge will take place from 3rd to 5th July 2015 and it has been created and organised by the Dolomiti Sky Run Sports nonprofessional Association affiliate to the Coni and AICS. The race surrounded by a unique and breathtaking scenography will put the athletes to the test, they will take on this challenge and face their own limits to conquer the competition, its beautiful places and its amazing walking routes, walking or running in half self-sufficency.

Confirmed even for this new edition the fascinanting path will take the runners from Braies (Bolzano) to Belluno with a great news: the National Park of Dolomiti Bellunesi has given the organization the permission to  change the last and final stage from Duran to Belluno, which was modified the last year due to weather conditions, so the athletes will cross through the Van di Città, a natural reserve distinguish itself for the environmental quality and the originality of the landscape (isolated and silent high-mountain nival basins).

The entire race track, 130 kilometers with 10.330 meters of positive gradient (it means it goes up) and 11.200 of negative gradient. A challenge to live high in adrenaline and in high-fly up to 2.580 meters in the heart of Dolomiti Mountains as Fanis, Croda Rossa, Tofane, Cinque torri, Nuvolau, Pelmo, Civetta, Moiazza, San Sebastiano, Tamer, e Schiara.

The highest point of the track will be after almost 40 km: where the athlets will arrive at Lagazuoi shelter (2580 m). The race will go on through the Falzarego pass, in the direction of the Averau shelter; then through Mount Pelmo (first Dolomite peak to be climbed; it was in 1857 when the Irish John Ball bravely climbed it), the Sonnino shelter, a breathtaking panoramic viewpoint, where enthusiasts can enjoy the massive northern face of mount Civetta. Following Mount Pelmo and Sonnino shelter, there are a couple of small slopes through forests, scree slopes and meadows, followed by some further hills, right before the final stage with the spectacular view of Van de Città and then the arrival in Belluno.

Enrollment and track details at

News and updates will be constantly posted also on the Facebook fanpage

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Posted on 27 Marzo 2015 in comunicati stampa, Dolomiti Sky Run

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